.. openTEPES documentation master file, created by Andres Ramos Electric System Input Data ========================== All the input files must be located in a folder with the name of the case study. Acronyms -------- ========== ============================================================================================================================================================================ Acronym Description ========== ============================================================================================================================================================================ AC Alternating Current aFRR Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve AWE Alkaline Water Electrolyzer (consumes electricity to produce hydrogen) BESS Battery Energy Storage System FHU Fuel Heating Unit (Fuel to Heat: consumes any fuel other than hydrogen to produce heat) CC Capacity Credit CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CHP Combined Heat and Power. Cogeneration (produces electricity and heat simultaneously) DC Direct Current DCPF DC Power Flow DR Demand Response DSM Demand-Side Management DSR Demand-Side Response EHU Electrical Heating Unit (Power to Heat: consumes electricity to produce heat) EFOR Equivalent Forced Outage Rate ELZ Electrolyzer (Power to Hydrogen: consumes electricity to produce hydrogen) ENS Energy Not Served ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity ESS Energy Storage System EV Electric Vehicle mFRR Manual Frequency Restoration Reserve H2 Hydrogen HHU Hydrogen Heating unit (Hydrogen to Heat: consumes hydrogen to produce heat) HNS Hydrogen Not Served HP Heat Pump (power to heat: consumes electricity to produce heat) HTNS Heat Not Served NTC Net Transfer Capacity OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine PHS Pumped-Hydro Storage PNS Power Not Served PV Photovoltaics RES Renewable Energy Source TTC Total Transfer Capacity VOLL Value of Lost Load VRE Variable Renewable Energy VRES Variable Renewable Energy Source (units with null linear variable cost and no storage capacity. Do not contribute to the the operating reserves) ========== ============================================================================================================================================================================ Dictionaries. Sets ------------------ The dictionaries include all the possible elements of the corresponding sets included in the optimization problem. **You can't use non-English characters (e.g., ó, º)** ============================= ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== File Description ============================= ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ``oT_Dict_Period.csv`` Period (e.g., 2030, 2035). **It must be a positive integer** ``oT_Dict_Scenario.csv`` Scenario. Short-term uncertainties (scenarios) (e.g., s001 to s100) ``oT_Dict_Stage.csv`` Stage ``oT_Dict_LoadLevel.csv`` Load level (e.g., 01-01 00:00:00+01:00 to 12-30 23:00:00+01:00). Load levels with duration 0 are ignored. The period (year) must represented by 8736 load levels. ``oT_Dict_Generation.csv`` Generation units (thermal -nuclear, CCGT, OCGT, coal-, ESS -storage hydro modeled in energy or in water, pumped-hydro storage PHS, battery BESS, electric vehicle EV, demand response DR, alkaline water electrolyzer AWE, solar thermal- and VRES -wind onshore and offshore, solar PV, run-of-the-river hydro-) ``oT_Dict_Technology.csv`` Generation technologies. The technology order is used in the temporal result plot. ``oT_Dict_Storage.csv`` ESS storage type (daily < 12 h, weekly < 40 h, monthly > 60 h). ``oT_Dict_Node.csv`` Nodes. A node belongs to a zone. ``oT_Dict_Zone.csv`` Zones. A zone belongs to an area. ``oT_Dict_Area.csv`` Areas. An area belongs to a region. Long-term adequacy, inertia and operating reserves are associated to areas. ``oT_Dict_Region.csv`` Regions ``oT_Dict_Circuit.csv`` Circuits ``oT_Dict_Line.csv`` Line type (AC, DC) ============================= ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Geographical location of nodes, zones, areas, regions. ============================ ============ ============================ File Dictionary Description ============================ ============ ============================ ``oT_Dict_NodeToZone.csv`` NodeToZone Location of nodes at zones ``oT_Dict_ZoneToArea.csv`` ZoneToArea Location of zones at areas ``oT_Dict_AreaToRegion.csv`` AreaToRegion Location of areas at regions ============================ ============ ============================ See the hydropower system section at the end of this page to know how to define the basin topology (connection among reservoir and hydropower plants). Some additional dictionaries and data files are needed. Input files ----------- This is the list of the input data files and their brief description. ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ File Description ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ ``oT_Data_Option.csv`` Options of use of the **openTEPES** model ``oT_Data_Parameter.csv`` General system parameters ``oT_Data_Period.csv`` Weight of each period ``oT_Data_Scenario.csv`` Short-term uncertainties ``oT_Data_Stage.csv`` Weight of each stage ``oT_Data_ReserveMargin.csv`` Minimum adequacy reserve margin for each area and period ``oT_Data_Emission.csv`` Maximum CO2 emission ``oT_Data_RESEnergy.csv`` Minimum RES energy ``oT_Data_Duration.csv`` Duration of the load levels ``oT_Data_Demand.csv`` Electricity demand ``oT_Data_Inertia.csv`` System inertia by area ``oT_Data_OperatingReserveUp.csv`` Upward operating reserves (include aFRR and mFRR for electricity balancing from ENTSO-E) ``oT_Data_OperatingReserveDown.csv`` Downward operating reserves (include aFRR and mFRR for electricity balancing from ENTSO-E) ``oT_Data_Generation.csv`` Generation data ``oT_Data_VariableMaxGeneration.csv`` Variable maximum power generation by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMinGeneration.csv`` Variable minimum power generation by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMaxConsumption.csv`` Variable maximum power consumption by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMinConsumption.csv`` Variable minimum power consumption by load level ``oT_Data_VariableFuelCost.csv`` Variable fuel cost by load level ``oT_Data_EnergyInflows.csv`` Energy inflows to an ESS by load level ``oT_Data_EnergyOutflows.csv`` Energy outflows from an ESS for Power-to-X (H2 production or EV mobility or water irrigation) by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMaxStorage.csv`` Maximum storage of the ESS by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMinStorage.csv`` Minimum storage of the ESS by load level ``oT_Data_VariableMaxEnergy.csv`` Maximum energy of the unit by load level (the energy will be accumulated and enforced for the interval defined by EnergyType) ``oT_Data_VariableMinEnergy.csv`` Minimum energy of the unit by load level (the energy will be accumulated and enforced for the interval defined by EnergyType) ``oT_Data_Network.csv`` Electricity network data ``oT_Data_NodeLocation.csv`` Node location in latitude and longitude ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ In any input file only the columns indicated in this document will be read. For example, you can add a column for comments or additional information as needed, but it will not read by the model. Options ---------- A description of the options included in the file ``oT_Data_Option.csv`` follows: =================== ================================================================== ==================================================== File Description =================== ================================================================== ==================================================== IndBinGenInvest Indicator of binary generation expansion decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore investments} IndBinGenRetirement Indicator of binary generation retirement decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore retirements} IndBinRsrInvest Indicator of binary reservoir expansion decisions (only used for reservoirs modeled with water units) {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore investments} IndBinNetInvest Indicator of binary electricity network expansion decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore investments} IndBinNetH2Invest Indicator of binary hydrogen network expansion decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore investments} IndBinNetHeatInvest Indicator of binary heat network expansion decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary, 2 ignore investments} IndBinGenOperat Indicator of binary generation operation decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary} IndBinGenRamps Indicator of activating or not the up/down ramp constraints {0 no ramps, 1 ramp constraints} IndBinGenMinTime Indicator of activating or not the min up/down time constraints {0 no min time constraints, 1 min time constraints} IndBinSingleNode Indicator of single node case study {0 network, 1 single node} IndBinLineCommit Indicator of binary transmission switching decisions {0 continuous, 1 binary} IndBinNetLosses Indicator of network losses {0 lossless, 1 ohmic losses} =================== ================================================================== ==================================================== If the investment decisions are ignored (IndBinGenInvest, IndBinGenRetirement, and IndBinNetInvest take value 2) or there are no investment decisions, all the scenarios with a probability > 0 are solved sequentially (assuming a probability 1) and the periods are considered with a weight 1. Parameters ---------- A description of the system parameters included in the file ``oT_Data_Parameter.csv`` follows: ==================== ============================================================================================================= ========= File Description ==================== ============================================================================================================= ========= ENSCost Cost of energy not served (ENS). Cost of load curtailment. Value of Lost Load (VoLL) €/MWh HNSCost Cost of hydrogen not served (HNS) €/kgH2 HTNSCost Cost of heat not served (HTNS) €/MWh PNSCost Cost of power not served (PNS) associated with the deficit in operating reserve by load level €/MW CO2Cost Cost of CO2 emissions €/tCO2 UpReserveActivation Upward reserve activation (proportion of upward operating reserve deployed to produce energy) p.u. DwReserveActivation Downward reserve activation (proportion of downward operating reserve deployed to produce energy) p.u. MinRatioDwUp Minimum ratio downward to upward operating reserves p.u. MaxRatioDwUp Maximum ratio downward to upward operating reserves p.u. Sbase Base power used in the DCPF MW ReferenceNode Reference node used in the DCPF TimeStep Duration of the time step for the load levels (hourly, bi-hourly, trihourly, etc.) h EconomicBaseYear Base year for economic parameters affected by the discount rate year AnnualDiscountRate Annual discount rate p.u. ==================== ============================================================================================================= ========= A time step greater than one hour it is a convenient way to reduce the load levels of the time scope. The moving average of the demand, upward/downward operating reserves, variable generation/consumption/storage and ESS energy inflows/outflows over the time step load levels is assigned to active load levels (e.g., the mean value of the three hours is associated to the third hour in a trihourly time step). Period ------ A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Period.csv`` follows: ============== ============ ===================== Identifier Header Description ============== ============ ===================== Period Weight Weight of each period ============== ============ ===================== This weight allows the definition of equivalent (representative) years (e.g., year 2030 with a weight of 5 would represent years 2030-2034). Periods are not mathematically connected between them with operation constraints, i.e., no constraints link the operation at different periods. However, they are linked by the investment decisions, i.e., investments made in a year remain installed for the rest of the years. Scenario -------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Scenario.csv`` follows: ============== ============== ============ =========================================== ==== Identifiers Header Description ============================== ============ =========================================== ==== Period Scenario Probability Probability of each scenario in each period p.u. ============== ============== ============ =========================================== ==== For example, the scenarios can be used for obtaining the GEP+SEP+TEP considering hydro energy/water inflows uncertainty represented by means of three scenarios (wet, dry and average), or two VRES scenarios (windy/cloudy and calm/sunny). The sum of the probabilities of all the scenarios of a period must be 1. Stage ----- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Stage.csv`` follows: ============== ============ ===================== Identifier Header Description ============== ============ ===================== Scenario Weight Weight of each stage ============== ============ ===================== This weight allows the definition of equivalent (representative) periods (e.g., one representative week with a weight of 52 or four representative weeks each one with a weight of 13). Stages are not mathematically connected between them, i.e., no constraints link the operation at different stages. Consequently, the storage type can't exceed the duration of the stage (i.e., if the stage lasts for 168 hours the storage type can only be hourly or daily). Adequacy reserve margin ----------------------- The adequacy reserve margin is the ratio between the available capacity and the maximum demand. According to ENTSO-e, adequacy is defined as the ability of the electric system to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of the customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements. For determining the available capacity, the model uses the availability of the generating units times their maximum power. The availability can be computed as the ratio between the firm capacity and the installed capacity. Firm capacity can be determined as the Firm Capacity Equivalent (FCE) or the Effective Load-Carrying Capability (ELCC). A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_ReserveMargin.csv`` follows: ============== ============== ============= ========================================================== ==== Identifiers Header Description ============================== ============= ========================================================== ==== Period Area ReserveMargin Minimum adequacy reserve margin for each period and area p.u. ============== ============== ============= ========================================================== ==== This parameter is only used for system generation expansion, not for the system operation. If no value is introduced for an area, the reserve margin is considered 0. Maximum CO2 emission -------------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Emission.csv`` follows: ============== ============== ============= =========================================================== ===== Identifiers Header Description ============================== ============= =========================================================== ===== Period Area CO2Emission Maximum CO2 emission for each period and area MtCO2 ============== ============== ============= =========================================================== ===== If no value is introduced for an area, the CO2 emission limit is considered infinite. Minimum RES energy ------------------ It is like a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_RESEnergy.csv`` follows: ============== ============== ============= =========================================================== ===== Identifiers Header Description ============================== ============= =========================================================== ===== Period Area RESEnergy Minimum RES energy for each period and area GWh ============== ============== ============= =========================================================== ===== If no value is introduced for an area, the RES energy limit is considered 0. Duration -------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Duration.csv`` follows: ========== =================================================================== ======== Header Description ========== =================================================================== ======== LoadLevel Load level datetime Duration Duration of the load level. Load levels with duration 0 are ignored h Stage Assignment of the load level to a stage ========== =================================================================== ======== It is a simple way to use isolated snapshots or representative days or just the first three months instead of all the hours of a year to simplify the optimization problem. All the load levels must have the same duration. The duration is not intended to change for the several load levels of an stage. Usually, duration is put as 1 hour or 0 if you want not to use the load levels after some hour of the year. The parameter time step must be used to collapse consecutive load levels into a single one for the optimization problem. The stage duration as sum of the duration of all the load levels must be larger or equal than the shortest duration of any storage type or any outflows type or any energy type (all given in the generation data) and multiple of it. Consecutive stages are not connected between them, i.e., no constraints link the operation at different stages. Consequently, the storage type can't exceed the duration of the stage (i.e., if the stage lasts for 168 hours the storage type can only be hourly or daily). Consequently, the objective function with several stages must be a bit higher than in the case of a single stage. The initial storage of the ESSs is also fixed at the beginning and end of each stage. For example, the initial storage level is set for the hour 8736 in case of a single stage or for the hours 4368 and 4369 (end of the first stage and beginning of the second stage) in case of two stages, each with 4368 hours. Electricity demand ------------------ A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Demand.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ====== ============================================ == Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ====== ============================================ == Period Scenario Load level Node Power demand of the node for each load level MW ========== ============== ========== ====== ============================================ == The electricity demand can be negative for the (transmission) nodes where there is (renewable) generation in lower voltage levels. This negative demand is equivalent to generate that power amount in this node. Internally, all the values below if positive demand (or above if negative demand) 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. System inertia -------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_Inertia.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ====== ================================================ == Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ====== ================================================ == Period Scenario Load level Area System inertia of the area for each load level s ========== ============== ========== ====== ================================================ == Given that the system inertia depends on the area, it can be sensible to assign an area as a country, for example. The system inertia can be used for imposing a minimum synchronous power and, consequently, force the commitment of at least some rotating units. Each generating unit can contribute to the system inertia. The system inertia is the sum of the inertia of all the committed units in the area. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system electricity demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Upward and downward operating reserves -------------------------------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_OperatingReserveUp.csv`` and ``oT_Data_OperatingReserveDown.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ====== =================================================================== == Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ====== =================================================================== == Period Scenario Load level Area Upward/downward operating reserves of the area for each load level MW ========== ============== ========== ====== =================================================================== == Given that the operating reserves depend on the area, it can be sensible to assign an area as a country, for example. These operating reserves must include Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves (aFRR) and Manual Frequency Restoration Reserves (mFRR) for electricity balancing from ENTSO-E. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Generation ---------- A description of the data included for each generating unit in the file ``oT_Data_Generation.csv`` follows: ========================== ======================================================================================================================================= =================================== Header Description ========================== ======================================================================================================================================= =================================== Node Name of the node where generator is located. If left empty, the generator is ignored Technology Technology of the generator (nuclear, coal, CCGT, OCGT, ESS, solar, wind, biomass, etc.) MutuallyExclusive Mutually exclusive generator. Only exclusion in one direction is needed BinaryCommitment Binary unit commitment decision Yes/No NoOperatingReserve No contribution to operating reserve. Yes if the unit doesn't contribute to the operating reserve Yes/No StorageType Storage type based on storage capacity (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly OutflowsType Outflows type based on the electricity demand extracted from the storage (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly EnergyType Energy type based on the max/min energy to be produced by the unit (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly MustRun Must-run unit Yes/No InitialPeriod Initial period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year FinalPeriod Final period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year MaximumPower Maximum power output of electricity (generation/discharge for ESS units) MW MinimumPower Minimum power output of electricity (i.e., minimum stable load in the case of a thermal power plant) MW MaximumPowerHeat Maximum heat output (heat produced by a CHP, at its maximum electric power, or by a fuel heater, which do not produce electric power) MW MinimumPowerHeat Minimum heat output (heat produced by a CHP, at its minimum electric power, or by a fuel heater, which do not produce electric power) MW MaximumReactivePower Maximum reactive power output (discharge for ESS units) (not used in this version) MW MinimumReactivePower Minimum reactive power output (not used in this version) MW MaximumCharge Maximum consumption/charge when the ESS unit is storing energy MW MinimumCharge Minimum consumption/charge when the ESS unit is storing energy MW InitialStorage Initial energy stored at the first instant of the time scope GWh MaximumStorage Maximum energy that can be stored by the ESS unit GWh MinimumStorage Minimum energy that can be stored by the ESS unit GWh Efficiency Round-trip efficiency of the pump/turbine cycle of a pumped-hydro storage power plant or charge/discharge of a battery p.u. ProductionFunctionHydro Production function from water inflows to electricity (only used for hydropower plants modeled with water units and basin topology) kWh/m\ :sup:`3` ProductionFunctionH2 Production function from electricity to hydrogen (only used for electrolyzers) kWh/kgH2 ProductionFunctionHeat Production function from electricity to heat (only used for heat pumps) kWh/kWh ProductionFunctionH2ToHeat Production function from hydrogen to heat (only used for hydrogen heater, which produce heat burning hydrogen) kgH2/kWh Availability Unit availability for area adequacy reserve margin (also called de-rating factor or capacity credit) p.u. Inertia Unit inertia constant s EFOR Equivalent Forced Outage Rate p.u. RampUp Ramp up rate for generating units or maximum discharge rate for ESS discharge MW/h RampDown Ramp down rate for generating units or maximum charge rate for ESS charge MW/h UpTime Minimum uptime h DownTime Minimum downtime h StableTime Minimum stable time (intended for nuclear units to be at its minimum load during this time) h ShiftTime Maximum shift time h FuelCost Fuel cost €/Gcal LinearTerm Linear term (slope ) of the heat rate straight line Gcal/MWh ConstantTerm Constant term (intercept) of the heat rate straight line Gcal/h OMVariableCost Variable O&M cost €/MWh OperReserveCost Operating reserve cost €/MW StartUpCost Startup cost M€ ShutDownCost Shutdown cost M€ CO2EmissionRate CO2 emission rate. It can be negative for units absorbing CO2 emissions as biomass tCO2/MWh FixedInvestmentCost Overnight investment (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedRetirementCost Overnight retirement (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedChargeRate Fixed-charge rate to annualize the overnight investment cost p.u. StorageInvestment Storage capacity and energy inflows linked to the investment decision Yes/No BinaryInvestment Binary unit investment decision Yes/No InvestmentLo Lower bound of investment decision p.u. InvestmentUp Upper bound of investment decision p.u. BinaryRetirement Binary unit retirement decision Yes/No RetirementLo Lower bound of retirement decision p.u. RetirementUp Upper bound of retirement decision p.u. ========================== ======================================================================================================================================= =================================== The model allways considers a month of 672 hours, i.e., 4 weeks, not calendar months. The model considers a year of 8736 hours, i.e., 52 weeks, not calendar years. Daily *storage type* means that the ESS inventory is assessed every time step. For daily storage type it is assessed at the end of every hour, for weekly storage type it is assessed at the end of every day, monthly storage type is assessed at the end of every week, and yearly storage type is assessed at the end of every month. *Outflows type* represents the interval when the energy extracted from the storage must be satisfied (for daily outflows type at the end of every day, i.e., the sum of the energy consumed must be equal to the sum of outflows for every day). *Energy type* represents the interval when the minimum or maximum energy to be produced by a unit must be satisfied (for daily energy type at the end of every day, i.e., the sum of the energy generated by the unit must be lower/greater to the sum of max/min energy for every day). The *storage cycle* is the minimum between the inventory assessment period (defined by the storage type), the outflows period (defined by the outflows type), and the energy period (defined by the energy type) (only if outflows or energy power values have been introduced). It can be one time step, one day, one week, and one month, but it can't exceed the stage duration. For example, if the stage lasts for 168 hours the storage cycle can only be hourly or daily. The initial storage of the ESSs is also fixed at the beginning and end of each stage, only if the initial inventory lies between the storage limits. For example, the initial storage level is set for the hour 8736 in case of a single stage or for the hours 4368 and 4369 (end of the first stage and beginning of the second stage) in case of two stages, each with 4368 hours. A generator with operation cost (sum of the fuel and emission cost, excluding O&M cost) > 0 is considered a non-renewable unit. If the unit has no operation cost and its maximum storage = 0, it is considered a renewable unit. If its maximum storage is > 0, with or without operation cost, is considered an ESS. A very small variable O&M cost (not below 0.01 €/MWh, otherwise it will converted to 0 by the model) for the ESS can be used to avoid pumping with avoided curtailment (at no cost) and afterwards being discharged as spillage. Must-run non-renewable units are always committed, i.e., their commitment decision is equal to 1. All must-run units are forced to produce at least their minimum output. EFOR is used to reduce the maximum and minimum power of the unit. For hydropower plants it can be used to reduce their maximum power by the water head effect. It does not reduce the maximum charge. Those generators or ESS with fixed cost > 0 are considered candidate and can be installed or not. Maximum, minimum, and initial storage values are considered proportional to the invested capacity for the candidate ESS units if StorageInvestment is activated. If lower and upper bounds of investment/retirement decisions are very close (with a difference < 1e-3) to 0 or 1 are converted into 0 and 1. Variable maximum and minimum generation --------------------------------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_VariableMaxGeneration.csv`` and ``oT_Data_VariableMinGeneration.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================================================ == Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================================================ == Period Scenario Load level Generator Maximum (minimum) power generation of the unit by load level MW ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================================================ == This information can be used for considering scheduled outages or weather-dependent operating capacity. To force a generator to produce 0 a lower value (e.g., 0.1 MW) strictly > 0, but not 0 (in which case the value will be ignored), must be introduced. This is needed to limit the solar production at night, for example. It can be used also for upper-bounding and/or lower-bounding the output of any generator (e.g., run-of-the-river hydro, wind). Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Variable maximum and minimum consumption ---------------------------------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_VariableMaxConsumption.csv`` and ``oT_Data_VariableMinConsumption.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================================================= == Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================================================= == Period Scenario Load level Generator Maximum (minimum) power consumption of the unit by load level MW ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================================================= == To force a ESS to consume 0 a lower value (e.g., 0.1 MW) strictly > 0, but not 0 (in which case the value will be ignored), must be introduced. It can be used also for upper-bounding and/or lower-bounding the consumption of any ESS (e.g., pumped-hydro storage, battery). Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Variable fuel cost ------------------ A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_VariableFuelCost.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ====== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================= ====== Period Scenario Load level Generator Variable fuel cost €/Gcal ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ====== All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. Internally, all the values below 1e-4 will be converted into 0 by the model. Fuel cost affects the linear and constant terms of the heat rate, expressed in Gcal/MWh and Gcal/h respectively. Variable emission cost ---------------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_VariableEmissionCost.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ====== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================= ====== Period Scenario Load level Generator Variable emission cost €/tCO2 ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ====== All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. Internally, all the values below 1e-4 will be converted into 0 by the model. Energy inflows -------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_EnergyInflows.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ===== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================= ===== Period Scenario Load level Generator Energy inflows by load level MWh/h ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ===== All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. If you have daily energy inflows data just input the daily amount at the first hour of every day if the ESS have daily or weekly storage capacity. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Energy inflows are considered proportional to the invested capacity for the candidate ESS units if StorageInvestment is activated. Energy outflows --------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_EnergyOutflows.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ===== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ============================= ===== Period Scenario Load level Generator Energy outflows by load level MWh/h ========== ============== ========== ========= ============================= ===== All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. These energy outflows can be used to represent the energy extracted from an ESS to produce H2 from electrolyzers, to move EV or as hydro outflows for irrigation. The use of these outflows is incompatible with the charge of the ESS within the same time step (as the discharge of a battery is incompatible with the charge in the same hour). If you have daily/weekly/monthly/yearly outflows data, you can just input the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly amount at the first hour of every day/week/month/year. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Variable maximum and minimum storage ------------------------------------ A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_VariableMaxStorage.csv`` and ``oT_Data_VariableMinStorage.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================================== === Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ==================================================== === Period Scenario Load level Generator Maximum (minimum) storage of the ESS by load level GWh ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================================== === All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. For example, these data can be used for defining the operating guide (rule) curves for the ESS. Variable maximum and minimum energy ----------------------------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_VariableMaxEnergy.csv`` and ``oT_Data_VariableMinEnergy.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================================== === Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ==================================================== === Period Scenario Load level Generator Maximum (minimum) energy of the unit by load level MW ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================================== === All the generators must be defined as columns of these files. For example, these data can be used for defining the minimum and/or maximum energy to be produced on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis (depending on the EnergyType). Electricity transmission network -------------------------------- A description of the circuit (initial node, final node, circuit) data included in the file ``oT_Data_Network.csv`` follows: =================== =============================================================================================================== ====== Header Description =================== =============================================================================================================== ====== LineType Line type {AC, DC, Transformer, Converter} Switching The transmission line is able to switch on/off Yes/No InitialPeriod Initial period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year FinalPeriod Final period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year Voltage Line voltage (e.g., 400, 220 kV, 220/400 kV if transformer). Used only for plotting purposes kV Length Line length (only used for reporting purposes). If not defined, computed as 1.1 times the geographical distance km LossFactor Transmission losses equal to the line flow times this factor p.u. Resistance Resistance (not used in this version) p.u. Reactance Reactance. Lines must have a reactance different from 0 to be considered p.u. Susceptance Susceptance (not used in this version) p.u. AngMax Maximum angle difference (not used in this version) º AngMin Minimum angle difference (not used in this version) º Tap Tap changer (not used in this version) p.u. Converter Converter station (not used in this version) Yes/No TTC Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in forward direction. Static line rating MW TTCBck Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in backward direction. Static line rating MW SecurityFactor Security factor to consider approximately N-1 contingencies. NTC = TTC x SecurityFactor p.u. FixedInvestmentCost Overnight investment (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedChargeRate Fixed-charge rate to annualize the overnight investment cost p.u. BinaryInvestment Binary line/circuit investment decision Yes/No InvestmentLo Lower bound of investment decision p.u. InvestmentUp Upper bound of investment decision p.u. SwOnTime Minimum switch-on time h SwOffTime Minimum switch-off time h =================== =============================================================================================================== ====== Depending on the voltage lines are plotted with different colors (orange < 200 kV, 200 < green < 350 kV, 350 < red < 500 kV, 500 < orange < 700 kV, blue > 700 kV). If there is no data for TTCBck, i.e., TTCBck is left empty or is equal to 0, it is substituted by the TTC in the code. Internally, all the TTC and TTCBck values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Reactance can take a negative value as a result of the approximation of three-winding transformers. No Kirchhoff's second law disjunctive constraint is formulated for a circuit with negative reactance. Those lines with fixed cost > 0 are considered candidate and can be installed or not. If lower and upper bounds of investment decisions are very close (with a difference < 1e-3) to 0 or 1 are converted into 0 and 1. Node location ------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_NodeLocation.csv`` follows: ============== ============ ================ == Identifier Header Description ============== ============ ================ == Node Latitude Node latitude º Node Longitude Node longitude º ============== ============ ================ == Hydropower System Input Data ============================ These input files are specifically introduced for allowing a representation of the hydropower system based on volume and water inflow data considering the water stream topology (hydro cascade basins). If they are not available, the model runs with an energy-based representation of the hydropower system. Dictionaries. Sets ------------------ The dictionaries include all the possible elements of the corresponding sets included in the optimization problem. **You can't use non-English characters (e.g., ó, º)** ============================= =============== File Description ============================= =============== ``oT_Dict_Reservoir.csv`` Reservoirs ============================= =============== The information contained in these input files determines the topology of the hydro basins and how water flows along the different hydropower and pumped-hydro power plants and reservoirs. These relations follow the water downstream direction. ======================================= ====================== ============================================================================================= File Dictionary Description ======================================= ====================== ============================================================================================= ``oT_Dict_ReservoirToHydro.csv`` ReservoirToHydro Reservoir upstream of hydropower plant (i.e., hydro takes the water from the reservoir) ``oT_Dict_HydroToReservoir.csv`` HydroToReservoir Hydropower plant upstream of reservoir (i.e., hydro releases the water to the reservoir) ``oT_Dict_ReservoirToPumpedHydro.csv`` ReservoirToPumpedHydro Reservoir upstream of pumped-hydro power plant (i.e., pumped-hydro pumps from the reservoir) ``oT_Dict_PumpedHydroToReservoir.csv`` PumpedHydroToReservoir Pumped-hydro power plant upstream of reservoir (i.e., pumped-hydro pumps to the reservoir) ``oT_Dict_ReservoirToReservoir.csv`` ReservoirToReservoir Reservoir upstream of reservoir (i.e., reservoir one spills the water to reservoir two) ======================================= ====================== ============================================================================================= Natural hydro inflows --------------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_HydroInflows.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================== ============== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ==================================== ============== Period Scenario Load level Reservoir Natural water inflows by load level m\ :sup:`3`/s ========== ============== ========== ========= ==================================== ============== All the reservoirs must be defined as columns of these files. If you have daily natural hydro inflows data just input the daily amount at the first hour of every day if the reservoir have daily or weekly storage capacity. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Natural hydro outflows ---------------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_HydroOutflows.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= =================================================== ============= Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= =================================================== ============= Period Scenario Load level Reservoir Water outflows by load level (e.g., for irrigation m\ :sup:`3`/s ========== ============== ========== ========= =================================================== ============= All the reservoirs must be defined as columns of these files. These water outflows can be used to represent the hydro outflows for irrigation. If you have daily/weekly/monthly/yearly water outflows data, you can just input the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly amount at the first hour of every day/week/month/year. Internally, all the values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Reservoir --------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_Reservoir.csv`` follows: ==================== ====================================================================================================================== =================================== Header Description ==================== ====================================================================================================================== =================================== StorageType Reservoir storage type based on reservoir storage capacity (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly OutflowsType Water outflows type based on the water extracted from the reservoir (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly InitialStorage Initial volume stored at the first instant of the time scope hm\ :sup:`3` MaximumStorage Maximum volume that can be stored by the hydro reservoir hm\ :sup:`3` MinimumStorage Minimum volume that can be stored by the hydro reservoir hm\ :sup:`3` BinaryInvestment Binary reservoir investment decision Yes/No FixedInvestmentCost Overnight investment (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedChargeRate Fixed-charge rate to annualize the overnight investment cost p.u. InitialPeriod Initial period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year FinalPeriod Final period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year ==================== ====================================================================================================================== =================================== The model allways considers a month of 672 hours, i.e., 4 weeks, not calendar months. The model considers a year of 8736 hours, i.e., 52 weeks, not calendar years. Daily *storage type* means that the ESS inventory is assessed every time step, for weekly storage type it is assessed at the end of every day, monthly storage type is assessed at the end of every week, and yearly storage type is assessed at the end of every month. *Outflows type* represents the interval when the water extracted from the reservoir must be satisfied (for daily outflows type at the end of every day, i.e., the sum of the water consumed must be equal to the sum of water outflows for every day). The *storage cycle* is the minimum between the inventory assessment period (defined by the storage type), the outflows period (defined by the outflows type), and the energy period (defined by the energy type) (only if outflows or energy power values have been introduced). It can be one time step, one day, one week, and one month, but it can't exceed the stage duration. For example, if the stage lasts for 168 hours the storage cycle can only be hourly or daily. The initial reservoir volume is also fixed at the beginning and end of each stage, only if the initial volume lies between the reservoir storage limits. For example, the initial volume is set for the hour 8736 in case of a single stage or for the hours 4368 and 4369 (end of the first stage and beginning of the second stage) in case of two stages, each with 4368 hours. Variable maximum and minimum reservoir volume --------------------------------------------- A description of the data included in the files ``oT_Data_VariableMaxVolume.csv`` and ``oT_Data_VariableMinVolume.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ========= ================================================= ============== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ========= ================================================= ============== Period Scenario Load level Reservoir Maximum (minimum) reservoir volume by load level hm\ :sup:`3` ========== ============== ========== ========= ================================================= ============== All the reservoirs must be defined as columns of these files. For example, these data can be used for defining the operating guide (rule) curves for the hydro reservoirs. Hydrogen System Input Data ========================== These input files are specifically introduced for allowing a representation of the hydrogen energy vector to supply hydrogen demand produced with electricity through the hydrogen network. ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ File Description ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ ``oT_Data_DemandHydrogen.csv`` Hydrogen demand ``oT_Data_NetworkHydrogen.csv`` Hydrogen pipeline network data ========================================= ================================================================================================================================ Hydrogen demand --------------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_DemandHydrogen.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ====== =============================================== ===== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ====== =============================================== ===== Period Scenario Load level Node Hydrogen demand of the node for each load level tH2/h ========== ============== ========== ====== =============================================== ===== Internally, all the values below if positive demand (or above if negative demand) 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Hydrogen transmission pipeline network -------------------------------------- A description of the circuit (initial node, final node, circuit) data included in the file ``oT_Data_NetworkHydrogen.csv`` follows: =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== Header Description =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== InitialPeriod Initial period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year FinalPeriod Final period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year Length Pipeline length (only used for reporting purposes). If not defined, computed as 1.1 times the geographical distance km TTC Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in forward direction. Static pipeline rating tH2 TTCBck Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in backward direction. Static pipeline rating tH2 SecurityFactor Security factor to consider approximately N-1 contingencies. NTC = TTC x SecurityFactor p.u. FixedInvestmentCost Overnight investment (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedChargeRate Fixed-charge rate to annualize the overnight investment cost p.u. BinaryInvestment Binary pipeline investment decision Yes/No InvestmentLo Lower bound of investment decision p.u. InvestmentUp Upper bound of investment decision p.u. =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== If there is no data for TTCBck, i.e., TTCBck is left empty or is equal to 0, it is substituted by the TTC in the code. Internally, all the TTC and TTCBck values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Those pipelines with fixed cost > 0 are considered candidate and can be installed or not. If lower and upper bounds of investment decisions are very close (with a difference < 1e-3) to 0 or 1 are converted into 0 and 1. Heat System Input Data ====================== These input files are specifically introduced for allowing a representation of the heat energy vector to supply heat demand produced with electricity through the heat network. =================================== ============================== File Description =================================== ============================== ``oT_Data_DemandHeat.csv`` Heat demand ``oT_Data_NetworkHeat.csv`` Heat pipeline network data =================================== ============================== Heat demand ----------- A description of the data included in the file ``oT_Data_DemandHeat.csv`` follows: ========== ============== ========== ====== =============================================== ====== Identifiers Header Description ====================================== ====== =============================================== ====== Period Scenario Load level Node Heat demand of the node for each load level MW ========== ============== ========== ====== =============================================== ====== Internally, all the values below if positive demand (or above if negative demand) 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Heat transmission pipeline network ---------------------------------- A description of the circuit (initial node, final node, circuit) data included in the file ``oT_Data_NetworkHeat.csv`` follows: =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== Header Description =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== InitialPeriod Initial period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year FinalPeriod Final period (year) when the unit is installed or can be installed, if candidate Year Length Pipeline length (only used for reporting purposes). If not defined, computed as 1.1 times the geographical distance km TTC Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in forward direction. Static pipeline rating MW TTCBck Total transfer capacity (maximum permissible thermal load) in backward direction. Static pipeline rating MW SecurityFactor Security factor to consider approximately N-1 contingencies. NTC = TTC x SecurityFactor p.u. FixedInvestmentCost Overnight investment (capital -CAPEX- and fixed O&M -FOM-) cost M€ FixedChargeRate Fixed-charge rate to annualize the overnight investment cost p.u. BinaryInvestment Binary pipeline investment decision Yes/No InvestmentLo Lower bound of investment decision p.u. InvestmentUp Upper bound of investment decision p.u. =================== =================================================================================================================== ====== If there is no data for TTCBck, i.e., TTCBck is left empty or is equal to 0, it is substituted by the TTC in the code. Internally, all the TTC and TTCBck values below 1e-5 times the maximum system demand of each area will be converted into 0 by the model. Those pipelines with fixed cost > 0 are considered candidate and can be installed or not. If lower and upper bounds of investment decisions are very close (with a difference < 1e-3) to 0 or 1 are converted into 0 and 1.