
The openTEPES model has been used in these publications:

    1. Santos-Oliveira, J. Lecarpentier, S. Lumbreras, L. Olmos, A. Ramos, M. Chammas, Th. Brouhard (2024) “The impact of EV penetration on the European Power System: the Tradeoffs in Storage” Social Science Research Network`10.2139/ssrn.4700642 <>`_

    1. Ramos A, S. Huclin and J.P. Chaves (2023), “Analysis of different flexible technologies in the Spain NECP for 2030”. Front. Built Environ. 9:1065998. 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1065998

    1. Ramos, E. Álvarez “Software implementation”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)

    1. Ramos, S. Huclin, J.P. Chaves “Analysis of different flexible technologies in the Spain NECP for 2030”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)

    1. Álvarez, L. Olmos, A. Ramos, K. Antoniadou-Plytaria, D. Steen, and L.A. Tuan “Values and Impacts of Incorporating Local Flexibility Services in Transmission Expansion Planning”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)

    1. Oliviera, L. Olmos, A. Ramos, S. Lumbreras “Impact of the different EV charging strategies at European scale”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023.

  • J.D. Gómez-Pérez, A. Ramos “Characterizing the Spanish hydro basins for their use in openTEPES”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)

    1. Gómez, A. Ramos, M. Rivier, T. Freire “Role of openTEPES in the FlexEner project”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)

    1. Linares, J.P. Chaves, J. García, J.F. Gutiérrez, A. Ramos, J.J. Valentín “How much storage do we need for the energy transition?”. Second World openTEPES Conference, July 2023. (Presentation)
